Bom Dia,
This week has been a good one, hard, but good. It started out last P-Day after we did emails. I needed a haircut and so Elder Mataveis decided to take me to one of the random shacks on the side of the road(barbearia). I don't know why, but there are like a billion of them here. The first one refused to cut my hair because he wouldn't succeed. Finally we found one that was down. He asked what I wanted, and I explained, basically my learning experience from this is that black people do not know how to cut white people hair, at least not african black people. You will be pleased to know that my pre mission haircut was reborn. It was the best the guy could do without cutting it all a 1 which white missionaries can't do, so I ended up like this(pictures in bottom). Basically everyone in the house made Mackelmore references because that is the only person they remember with this hair. I am really excited because I think the sun will bleach it with it this short, so we will see. Anyways, we were able to have a great week this week. We worked a lot on being more efficient and ended up having 29 lessons in 5 days. We lost a day because of a training and I don't count sunday as a full day because of studies. Anyways it was a miracle. The biggest difficulty was that with all of these new families and other we were teaching (about 9) we had 0 complete families in church. It is really frustrating because we are teaching two families, one is catholic, the other old apostle. and they both told us that they prayed and received an answer, but that they cannot leave their church because they have been there for 20 plus years. We are praying really hard for them, and it is so hard to have someone tell you that they received and answer that the church is true, but would rather stay in their own church which they know is not true. It makes no sense to me. We have also fortunately had a lot of people commit to baptism and went from about 6 with a date marked to 19 with a date marked. If this week goes well, we should have between 25-30 investigators with a date marked. Unfortunately none of these people will be baptized for at least 2 and a half months because of the difficulty to get married. And a common problem here is that in this waiting period many people will start to weaken because of how hard satan is working on them. I don't like to admit it, but of these 19 people we will be fortunate if half get baptized. It is a serious problem, because during this waiting period they struggle because the ward doesn't support them because they are the "responsibility of the missionaries" and it is super hard to go to church for 10-12 weeks without making a friend. We are really trying to work with the ward to get better support, and figure out a way to help the ward see the importance of their role. We had the sower training as well this week, which was a lot of fun. Unfortunately we lost an entire day in our area, because that night we had a devotional in the city as well. It was well worth it though, the devotional was with a former mission president and 2 of the first 4 missionaries that served here in mozambique. I was really grateful to attend, and we got to witness the first lds choir ever in mozambique perform for the very first time. The spirit was so strong. We also all received copies of the dedicatory prayer for the country of mozambique. It is a powerful prayer, and I am so grateful to get to serve in this country. We went to a zoo this morning and played with monkeys, I will try and send those pictures and well, but thank you so much for your love and support.